Darren Richardson
Darren has been working in the community sector since 2007, primarily within the working-class Loyalist community. He has developed models of conflict transition and transformation which has strengthened the roots of local peacebuilding and community development which has created safer communities in designated localities. The work he has been involved in has transformed perceptions, behaviour & mindsets creating innovative mechanisms of community safety responses. He has been involved in creating and delivering working alliances with extended statutory agents such as the police. Darren has a vibrant cultural history being involved with Marching Bands for over 20 years and currently is active within the Orange Order, Apprentice Boys of Derry and the Royal Black Preceptory.
Darren previously completed a Fellowship with his colleague Wendy Kerr focusing on restorative practice. They were concerned about the rising levels of anti-social behaviour in their communities. The Fellowship allowed them to learn more about restorative approaches being used in Northern Ireland and further afield, including its application in several UK cities and regions. Darren also completed a study visit with his mentor Martin Snoddon to Bosnia.
Peacebuilding Leadership Programme
Based in Magherafelt, Northern Ireland