Gary Mason

Gary is a Methodist minister who has spent almost 30 years working in Belfast in areas at the heart of the conflict.

He played a key role in the Northern Irish peace process through his engagement work with loyalist paramilitaries.

He has facilitated negotiations between them, the government and republican paramilitaries. He remains a close and trusted advisor to Protestant ex-combatants and is involved in efforts to support them civilianize. Gary has lectured in political, religious and academic forums globally seeking to engage, mentor and share lessons from the Irish peace process.

A particular interest of his is the role of faith in activism. Gary’s fellowship has enabled him to respond to requests – locally and internationally – to share his insights and experiences in enabling conflict transformation amongst armed groups and to counter rising religious fundamentalism. On the back of the SCI fellowship he has established  Rethinking Conflict, to take forward and deepen the work initiated under it.

  1. SCI Fellowship Programme

Based in Belfast, Northern Ireland